Tea storage three taboos - avoid moisture / odour / direct sunlight

Tea storage three taboos - avoid moisture / odour / direct sunlight

When it comes to storing tea, there are three taboos that every tea enthusiast should be aware of. Avoiding these common mistakes can help preserve the flavor and quality of your favorite teas. Let's dive into the three taboos of tea storage: moisture, odors, and direct sunlight.

Taboo #1: Moisture

Moisture is the enemy of tea. When tea leaves are exposed to moisture, they can become damp and lose their flavor. To prevent this, it's important to store your tea in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing tea near the sink or in the refrigerator, as these areas tend to be more humid.

Taboo #2: Odors

Tea is like a sponge when it comes to absorbing odors. Storing tea near strong-smelling foods or spices can result in your tea taking on unwanted flavors. To avoid this, store your tea in a separate container away from any strong odors. Consider using a tea tin or a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid to keep your tea fresh and free from unwanted scents.

Taboo #3: Direct Sunlight

Exposure to direct sunlight can cause tea leaves to deteriorate and lose their flavor. UV rays can break down the compounds in tea, leading to a decrease in quality. To protect your tea from sunlight, store it in a dark, opaque container or cabinet. Keep your tea away from windows or any other sources of direct sunlight to maintain its freshness.

By avoiding these three taboos of tea storage - moisture, odors, and direct sunlight - you can ensure that your favorite teas stay fresh and flavorful for longer. Remember to store your tea in a cool, dry place, away from strong odors and sunlight to preserve its quality. Happy sipping!

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